We offer high end online audio mastering and vinyl record production with DMM cutting.
For Online Vinyl Mastering we use high-end analog and digital gear, as well as customised software for high quality audio mastering,
Now you can take advantage of our experience and possibilities online, leading into brilliant professional sound quality.
We also offer vinyl production.
In close cooperation with our specialists of the vinyl cut studio and manufacturing plant
we can guarantee highest quality of vinyl production with a delivery time of your favourite vinyl format,
of 6 to 8 weeks in Europe!
High-End analog audio is now affordable for every one!
Alphaville * Beatsteaks * Boy Sets Fire * Michael Buble * Keith Caputo * Chairlift * Cleveland Orchestra * Thomas D. * Donots * Tom Gillan * Grönemeyer * Elton John Jupiter Jones * Kreator * Kwartludium * Lachenmann/Jack-Quartett * Mahler Chamber Orchestra * Klaus Meine * Minguet-Quartett * Musikfabrik * Kai Niedermeier Wolfgang Rihm * Roachford * Rebecca Saunders * Sunrise Avenue * Texas * The Band Of Heathens * The Rakes The Weather Girls * Thumb * Travis * WDR Big Band WDR Symphonie Orchestra * WDR Funkhaus Orchestra
Burning Heart * CBS * East West Music * EMI * Epitaph, U.S.A. * Epitaph, Europa * Ferryhouse Records * Four Music * 5% Luxus * Goldene Zeiten * Mathildas Tonträger MSP-Analogue * Noisten Music * Polydor * Roadrunner * Sony * Supernova * Victory Records, USA * WEA Time Warner * Weser Label * ZYX Music